Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Senate Passes Sweeping Food-Safety Bill

Congress passed something. Wow.
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O'Reilly: WikiLeaks Leakers Are Traitors, Should Be Executed Or Spend Life In Jail (VIDEO)

Okay, a few things:

1. You know that a story is overblown when Megyn Kelly is trying to sound reasonable in a debate-ish discussion with Bill-O.

2. By 'overblown­' I mean that the general American public doesn't really care about the U.S. State Department leaking documents because they have to worry about their jobs, feeding their kids, health insurance, etc, which is why...

3. ...Preside­nt Obama didn't mention the leaks on his conference because he has more pressing economic issues to worry about.

4. By the way, speaking with emotion adds nothing to the substance of one's comments, unless you're on the campaign trail and want to fire up the crowd.
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Friday, November 26, 2010

Barack Obama Gets STITCHES After Basketball Injury (PICTURES)

As soon as I finished reading the article I knew that I'd be seeing comments where people would say something like "good for Mr. Decerega!" or get all political with the matter. It was a basketball game, people get hurt sometimes.

It is well known that the President is a tough competitor on the basketball court. Who knows? maybe he will hit Mr. Decerega back on the next game, and not on his lips...
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Obama Designates Polar Bear Protection Area In Alaska, Could Restrict Future Oil And Gas Drilling

Aww @ the picture!

It is the right of a citizen in today's capitalist society to complain about economic impacts of an environmental policy. But it is the duty of a human being as the most powerful species on the planet to protect endangered species.
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Tom DeLay GUILTY: Jury Convicts Republican In Money Laundering Trial

"DeLay had unsuccessfully tried to get the trial moved out of Austin, the most liberal city in one of the most Republican states." It's really sad that we are all under the assumption that juries reach their verdicts based on their political views, which is obviously not what a juror's supposed to do.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jay Pharoah Does Obama Impression On Letterman (VIDEO)

"But, if you don't get off my back, I'm gonna start handing out ass-whoopings like sweet potato pies at thanksgiving."

I wish the President would actually say that.
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Korea Attack: Yeonpyeong Island Shelled By North Korea

Either the big shots in North Korea are just messing with their neighbors in the South and the U.S., or this is something serious.

If this was just Kim Jong Un flexing his military muscle as the heir apparent, then the matter might pass without further conflict.

I'm also guessing this is a big 'WTF moment' for China, North Korea's supposed ally. If Pyongyang decides to attack again, the U.S. might be forced to help defend South Korea, at which point the the North might seek help from the Chinese, at which point Japan and Russia will have to weigh in on the issue, and this time the six-parties probably won't be talking.
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Siberia's Climate Time Bomb: Thawing Permafrost Could Spell Disaster

A few things:

So, if you light a match at one of the methane deposits, can you set Siberia on fire?

I know what a Tea-Partier (and Glenn Beck) would say about say about this article, "Karl Marx caused Global Warming."

On a slightly more serious note, I find it really sad that as I read through the article, what's happening and what needs to be done, that so much of the process to solve the problem will be delayed by politics. I can already imagine the news headlines "Republicans block climate change bill as world-wide methane content increases."
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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hillary Clinton 'Not In Any Way Interested' In Pursuing Elective Office

I don't doubt for a moment that Hillary still has massive political ambitions, but a few things will get in her way, age is one of them. Well into her 60s, Clinton, or anyone else for that matter, might not want to get herself back into the arena of political fighting, because it takes such a toll on the mind and the body.

On the other hand, her presidential bid did lose to one of the best political campaigns in American history, so maybe she'd give it another go, knowing that she has the ability and popularity to defeat her potential competition
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Warren Buffett: I 'Should Be Paying A Lot More In Taxes'

Maybe Mr. Buffet is trying to guilt his fellow billionaires into spewing out what would be chump change to them to save their country, which is so broke (not just at the federal level, but more so at the state level).

On the other hand, history has shown that greed has no limits.
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How Hazardous Are Laptops To Your Health?

"It's common sense. If it's hot, then don't put it on you." It seems that too often we seem to overestimate the intelligence and wisdom of a lot of people.

Incidentally I recently got a laptop desk the hot machine is no longer on my lap.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stewart Impersonates Glenn Beck To Debunk His George Soros Conspiracy Theory (VIDEO)

Just when you think his last extended Glenn Beck parody can't be beat, Jon Stewart comes out with this. I was in tears!

Take my word for it.
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Joe Scarborough Suspended From MSNBC Over Political Donations

I think Phil Griffin is just doing this for fun at this point.
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Who Is Eduardo Saverin? Early Facebook Investor Peter Thiel Opens Up (VIDEO)

What Peter Thiel really wanted to say in response to the first question: "Eduardo Saverin is someone I have no respect for. He happened to be in the right place at the right time and he's a billionaire because of it."

To the last question: "I think Eduardo has done incredibly well for having done next nothing. I think he should take the money and shut up, and I am annoyed by the fact that I have to even talk about the guy because a damn movie gave a favorable view on him."
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Friday, November 19, 2010

2,000 Fetuses Found At Thai Buddhist Temple

Disgusting, appalling, just plain gross. Honestly, I'd have a lesser problem if the babies have already been cremated. But to find thousands of dead bodies, especially fetuses, made me sick to my stomach.

Personally, I really can't derive from this news piece a connection between discovering over two thousand dead fetuses and the debate on abortion. Everyone knows that illegal abortions take place in Thailand because its large sex industry. This is just the reality making a bold statement at a public that has received mixed messages in sex education.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Joe Scarborough Denies 2012 Vice President Bid Rumors (VIDEO)

Let us just drop the rumors until someone actually says Bloomberg is running.

On another note, Morning Joe is much more fun to watch than Fox and Friends.
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Obama's Hopes For Russia Nuclear Pact Fade

It is quite frustrating to see a lone politician get in the way of resolving matters of international security.

Maybe President Medvedev, or better yet, Prime Minister Putin, ought to have a chat with Senator Kyl.
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Willow Palin Facebook Posts: Homophobic Slurs, Curse Words & More (PHOTOS)

Ignorant and classless. Such a shame. My guess is she was probably drunk.
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Bill O'Reilly To Ted Koppel: Show Me When I've Lied And 'Shut Me Up For Good' (VIDEO)

Although KO and Bill'O are sort of in agreement, Olbermann's special comment was so much more eloquent and moving and filled with context than the discussion between Bill'O and his panel.
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Keith Olbermann Fires Back At Ted Koppel Over Objectivity, 'Real News'

The so-called 'objective' journalism is a term coined to contrast, and perhaps demonize, what we have come to identify today as subjective or 'advocacy' journalism. Incidentally, the term has found itself being used by subjective journalists and commentators as a way to create nostalgia for 'old-school' news, while at the same time attacking their rivals for being too political, and thus 'killing' the past.

As Keith points out here, every news piece has a genesis, and way in which each piece is reported depends not only on facts, but on how the anchors choose to report and discuss them.

Interestingly enough, Keith never called Ted Koppel a hypocrite. Perhaps it was implied in his comment.

The truth is, nobody ever was an 'objective' journalist'. The only people who can be categorized as such are those who collect raw data. The data itself is objective, but it is not news. It only becomes news once it has been given context by those reporting the news, at which point it ceases to be objective.
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

ADL Condemns Glenn Beck For 'Offensive,' 'Horrific' Attacks On George Soros (VIDEO)

What happens when you continually offend a billionaire on a TV show that millions of people watches and blindly believes in its contents?

Mr. Soros, tear down Glenn Beck!
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Rachel Maddow Clashes With Jon Stewart, Civilly, In Hour's Worth Of Interview Excerpts

Jon Stewart continues to be the common sense man in American news media.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lawrence O'Donnell Responds To Glenn Beck: 'We're All Socialists Now' (VIDEO)

How many times does Glenn Beck need to get schooled to have him understand that... he's been schooled!?
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Dan Coats For Filibuster Reform: Incoming GOP Senator Embraces Change

A GOP for filibuster reform? Or reform of any kind? What a rarity!
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Melissa Bean Floated As CFPB Head

The good news is that it will not be a Republican who will run the CFPB. The bad news is that we might get the next worst thing, a "Wall Street's favorite Democrat", might.

Why is anyone other than Elizabeth Warren being considered to head the CFPB?
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Bill Maher vs. Jon Stewart: Maher Takes On Rally To Restore Sanity (VIDEO)

I agree with your point. But if you look beyond Fox News, the problem lies elsewhere: Why is the general public, the main stream media included, so susceptible to believing in Fox's rhetoric / narrative? Why don't people bother to fact check, or listen to both sides? Why do people believe in things that make no sense at all? These are the bigger questions that the main stream media, as well as the government, needs to tackle.

*hint: how about pursuing a society where education, and therefore knowledge and wisdom (instead of reality tv shows, how to make money fast, military domination, etc), are valued above all else?*
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Bloomberg: Congress 'Can't Read' And Some Members Don't Know What, Or Where China Is

When things go bad, many of us try to place the blame on something / someone. But that something / someone is almost never ourselves, unless it's undeniably obvious.

With things as complicated as the housing bubble, the national debt, and job creation, things that even college-educated people have a hard time understanding, let alone the average citizen, it is easy to persuade the public that the country's problems are caused by external forces.

As for Mayor Bloomberg's comments, I'm sure he was just using a hyperbole to make a point of the kinds of people we are electing to run our country. I can't really blame him, though, since so many of these officials believe that global warming is false and that God created the world in seven days (and other crazy stuff in the Bible)
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Keith Olbermann To RETURN Tuesday, Phil Griffin Announces

Still doesn't really explain why he was suspended in the first place, other than for a dumb rule, but it's good to know he'll be back!
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Bill Maher vs. Jon Stewart: Maher Takes On Rally To Restore Sanity (VIDEO)

Although I am a big fan of Bill Maher, I really think he's missing Jon Stewart's point.

I've watched Stewart's closing speech once in its entirety, and parts of it a few times. Stewart mostly was not talking about liberals and conservatives, per se. What he attacked was the media as a whole, specifically cable news. It was the air of bickering that Stewart despised, and to this, he claims that liberals and conservatives are at fault.

The bigger point is this: People like Bill Maher and Keith Olbermann, likable as they are, pretty much perpetuate the existence of Fox News because they need a target, someone to place the blame ridicule. Jon Stewart believes that Bill, KO, and other liberals need not to keep attacking Fox (other than correcting factual errors) in order to prove their points. Only by taking the high road will the state of American politics be less disgusting.
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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hu Jintao, Barack Obama's Chinese Counterpart, Named World's Most Powerful Person

That list lost most of its credibility when it ranked the Pope at #5.

The list might make sense in terms of the world's economic leadership, but that'd make the Pope's position even more ridiculous. But politically speaking, I'd say Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Ahmedinajed, and Kim Jong Il should be up there as well.
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Maddow: Keith Olbermann Suspension Proves Difference Between MSNBC & Fox News (VIDEO)

In my opinion, this has to be something personal between Keith Olbermann and his boss Phil Griffin, something Keith did that ticked off Griffin to the point where he had to dig up an unnecessary company rule to 'punish' Keith.

Only a personal vendetta can explain Keith's suspension because we all know that MSNBC is liberal-leaning news organization. But has Rachel says in her segment, the hosts are MSNBC mostly (or none) never come out to support a democratic candidate outright on air. They do, however, say everything short of endorsing a Democrat by making it clear not to vote for the Republicans.

This also reflects a laziness on the side of Fox News, whose hosts don't even bother to try to persuade their audience to vote Republican in ways other than supporting them outright, on air.
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Friday, November 5, 2010

Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

It always sucks to wake up in the morning and find out that one of my favorite tv personalities has been suspended for such an absurd reason. Unless Phil Griffin is really keen on sticking to the rules and punishing his network's biggest draw for donating to the party that his network for the most part supports, this has to be something personal.
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rachel Maddow Rips Evan Bayh Over Dan Coats Indiana Win (VIDEO)

Wanna see Rachel Maddow pissed off (or pretty close to it)? Here it is.
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Nadia Macri', Berlusconi Accuser, Says Marijuana Provided At PM's Villa

Is this what it will take to have to have the ridiculous Italian Prime Minister to step down? Maybe, but consider how thick-skinned this guy is...
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bush NBC Interview: Being Called A Racist By Kanye West The Worst Moment Of My Presidency

I'm glad I'm not the only one whose reaction to this was "wow, seriously?" Lets get past Bush's handling of post 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq, in which, as Commander in-Chief, he sent thousands of American soldiers to their deaths and we still can't find a worthy reason. Let's get past that, and look at why Kanye made that comment. While it indeed imply that Bush might be a racist, it was more of Kanye's frustrations of Bush's dismal handling of Katrina.

Another thing is, Kanye was on the verge of tears. People often exaggerate their words when they are very emotional.

Finally, and frankly, why should George Bush care what a celebrity rapper says? Lots of people have called Bush much harsher names, only this time, Kanye said it on the air. But surely Bush had other things to worry about other than some rapper saying he doesn't care about black people?
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Carl Paladino Concedes, Brandishes Bat, Tells Cuomo He Risks 'Having It Wielded Against' Him (VIDEO)

I have no idea why Carl Paladino would use a metaphor to compare himself to what of the most notorious gangsters in American history. I am, however, glad that he's gone, for now.

By the way, Paladino is not half the man Capone was.
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Michael Bennet Defeats Ken Buck In Colorado Senate Race: <em>Denver Post</em>

With this Democrat win, along with Harry Reid's, does this signal a rejection of 'Tea Party' politics? Perhaps promises of cutting spending and slashing vital government programs aren't that attractive to voters after all.
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Harry Reid Defeats Sharron Angle In Nevada Senate Race

What... WAIT WHAT!? I thought this was a shoo-in for Angle.

I don't really think Harry Reid is a great leader, or the best choice for Senate Majority leader, because of his lack of charisma. But he is a true Democrat, a good politician, and a valuable asset for the Democratic Party. Congratulations!
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