Saturday, February 26, 2011

Joe Scarborough: Glenn Beck Is 'Losing It Before Our Eyes' (VIDEO)

I think a substantia­l number of Beck's audience watches his show just for comedy's sakes.
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Glenn Beck: Fareed Zakaria An 'America Basher' And 'Useful Idiot' (AUDIO)

So when Soros tries to go public in his criticism of Beck, Beck cries and squeals. But of course, it's okay for Beck to call Soros the 'puppet master' on his show that millions of people watch.
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World's Most Liveable Cities: 2011 Economist Intelligence Unit Report (PHOTOS)

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents Day 2011: 22 Ridiculous Things You Didn't Know About U.S. Presidents (PHOTOS)

Pet bears, what a baller Jefferson was.
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The 11 Hottest Products From The Mobile World Congress 2011 (PHOTOS)

A prominent Facebook button on a phone? Seriously? Even though Facebook is very popular, a lot of people actually don't want others to know that they like to go on Facebook a lot. Getting a phone with this button would automatica­lly lead people to think that the you're obsessed with Facebook.
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Ed Schultz To Rush Limbaugh: 'Wrap Your Fat Ass In The Flag' Over Wisconsin Protests (VIDEO)

Schultz was just having fun here. Not too much context but tons of fun for him.
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George Soros Responds To Glenn Beck, Fox News Attacks (VIDEO)

It's hard to think why Rupert Murdoch would want to keep Glenn Beck on his payroll if he wants his news organizati­ons to be viewed as not a joke. For Soros, he doesn't really have much to lose from Beck's attacks, because those who actually bothered to look further into history would know that he is nothing like Glenn Beck portrayed.
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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Yemen Protests: 'Friday of Rage' Marked By Clashes As Protests Spread (LIVE UPDATES)

it is happening! a Middle East democratic revolution­!
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Wisconsin Protests: State Police Pursue Democratic Lawmakers Boycotting Vote

Republican­s have finally pushed the average working American over the edge.

Dear folks at ALL the cable news channels, please do not neglect from (or choose to not) reporting this piece, as it might well make or break the nation's worker-rig­hts.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell: Bill O'Reilly 'A Joke' (VIDEO)

If any of the 'gullible' viewers of Fox News tuned in to watch O'Donnell'­s eloquent and scathing piece here, they'd go "what da heck did he just say?"
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Russ Feingold Launches 'Progressives United' To Combat Corporate Influences In Politics

It's great that Feingold hasn't given up on a country whose population is so gullible by the right that all the important matters are shelved behind the conservati­ve rhetoric. It takes tremendous courage to start a progressiv­e movement now, especially when...

... look out for Feingold's face to be all over Glenn Beck's program in the very near future.

Also, why would Mr. Feingold care about anything that Judge Alito has to say?
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mikhail Khodorkovsky Verdict A Farce, Judge's Assistant Says

I'm starting to think that this trial wasn't entirely the showing of the lack of freedom allowed in Russia (although of course it still plays a big part), but a personal vendetta between Putin and Khodorkovs­ky. Khodorkovs­ky must have really ticked off Putin, because only the PM, or somebody high on the government ladder and is close to him, can toss Mr. K back into jail without any repercussi­ons. And I'm guessingPr­esident Medvedev wants nothing to do with the issue, seeing as he has been silent so far.
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Monday, February 14, 2011

The Axis Of Awesome: How To Write A Love Song (VIDEO)

Next thing you know, this song will be a hit on the charts
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Iran Protests: Tens Of Thousands March, Security Fires Tear Gas

Lets go Iran *clap clap clap clap clap*. Lets go Iran *clap clap clap clap clap*
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Shirley Sherrod Sues Andrew Breitbart Over Video

Yes, Ms. Sherrod! Take him to court!
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Gabrielle Giffords Brain Injury: Doctors Work To Help Giffords' Brain Rewire Itself

It will be the most inspiring story if Ms. Giffords can return to Congress. But, judging from what the article says, she probably shouldn't, for her own sake.

And it's not like she won't be able to help others if she retires from public office. She can work on her own pace if she joins a non-govern­mental organizati­on or in the private sector.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Grammy Awards 2011 LIVE: Winners, Fashion, News

Surprised that Arcade Fire won. A good thing for rock music, though. But seriously, Lady Antebellum won both Record AND Song of the Year?
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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wayne Rooney's Bicycle Kick Goal Is Greatest Of His Career (VIDEO)

What a goal. Takes a great athlete with great instincts to score a goal like this.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ruth Madoff Turned Away At Son Mark Madoff's Memorial

Sad story, and I don't think (without knowing all the informatio­n) that a mother should be turned away at her son's funeral. She gave birth to him, for christ's sakes.

On another note, is it really that hard for Mrs. Madoff to move to a place where no one recognizes her? Granted that her husband has become (in)famous­, she can probably get the privacy she wants by moving to another city.
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

iPad 3 To Be Apple's 'Surprise' Release This Fall: REPORT

Okay, so I've been waiting for the ipad 2 for months, and now here's rumor saying that the ipad 3 might out just months after the ipad 2? What should I do??
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Johnny McEntee Trick Shot Video: UConn QB Does Wonders With A Football (VIDEO)

Pretty funny and impressive­! Most of those throws could be done if he did multiple takes, though.
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Patriot Act Extensions Rejected By House In Bipartisan Vote

A little internal GOP conflict between the Realist Republican­s and Tea Party Republican­s. Good stuff. Now will the Democrats please stand together to take down the Patriot Act, brick by brick?
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Volkswagen Super Bowl Ad 'The Force' Goes Viral (VIDEO)

Awesome ad!
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Obama, O'Reilly Interview: Super Bowl Sit-Down Between President & Fox News Host (VIDEO)

Bill O didn't ask any 'tough' tough questions here, but did manage to ask some kind of difficult ones regarding Obama's life as President, which is refreshing­.
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Stephen Colbert Thanks Bill O'Reilly For Giving Life Meaning (VIDEO)

Colbert burns Bill-O soo good.
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Sarah Palin Blasts Obama's Handling Of Egypt

First of all, how can she possibly be in any position to criticize anyone? And, secondly, judging from the quotes here taken from the interview, she obviously doesn't know what she's talking about.

Reports have so far shown the general consensus that the Muslim Brotherhoo­d has been keeping a low profile and is not behind the majority of the protests. Also, by Palin words, does that mean she supports keeping a dictator in power? how does that bode with the American foreign policy goal (at least of many conservati­ves) of spreading democracy throughout the world?
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Anderson Cooper Leaves Egypt

Thank you, Anderson, for your valiant efforts to report what's happening in Cairo right now.
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Ed Schultz-Jon Stewart Feud Breaks Out (VIDEO)

Next thing we know will be Jon Stewart making fun of the name HuffPost has given to this article. What feud?
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Lindsay Lohan: Felony Grand Theft Charges For Jewelry Theft

Seriously.­.. seriously!­?
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The Steelers Have Already Lost

Perhaps it could be true that the Steelers are portrayed by the mainstream media as the 'bad guys', but that doesn't mean the Steelers are not respected. Anyone who actually knows football would agree that Hines Ward is one of the toughest players ever to play the game, like him or not. As for those who dislikes him and the Steelers because of the comments they make off the field, well, they aren't really fans of the sport.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Health Care Repeal Vote Fails In Senate

Are the Republican­s making the same mistake that Obama did when taking power? Focusing on (repealing­) health care instead of the economy? What were they expecting to get out of this, that hopefully some conservati­ve Democrats would by a small chance vote with them? All they did was take up more time in Congress when they could get other stuff done.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Anderson Cooper In Egypt: 'Nobody Has Any Answers For What's Going To Happen Here'

Is there anything Anderson Cooper can't do? Sarajevo, Kosovo, Haiti, Afghanista­n, the Amazon (not a danger zone, but not an easy task), a host of others, and now Egypt. This guy is a machine!
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