Friday, April 29, 2011

Tungurahua, Ecuador Volcano, Sends 300 Fleeing From Truck-Sized Rocks

I don't think mother nature has been very pleased with us this yaer...
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2011 Tornado Outbreak Death Toll Hits 329, Deadliest Since 1932

This year hasn't been a good one for natural disasters. It's not even May and we've already had major floods earthquake­s, tsunamis, tornadoes all over the world. And hurricane season hasn't even arrived yet.

I sincerely hope that we can safely pull through all of this.
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Glenn Beck: 'Glee' Is 'Propaganda,' A 'Horror Show' (VIDEO)

Funny, cuz Glee is a show on FOX. Also that Beck left out the homosexual angle that Glee has bee praised to establish. But the fact that Beck is calling the only musical show on prime time TV a horror show means.... *gasp* Beck hates musicals!
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Costly Gasoline Clouds Obama Reelection Prospects

Even though there seems to be some sort of precedent with regards to the relationsh­ip between gas price fluctuatio­n and voting tendencies­, I doubt that it will play a pivotal role on the minds of voters when they head to the voting booth next year. This is partly due to the fact that in the United States, voters get to vote for the person they like, and not necessaril­y for the party (as supposed to Canada, where the Prime Minister is the head of the winning party).

So ultimately­, the race will still come down to whether voters prefer Obama or whichever Republican candidate he will face. And in that regards, I think Obama can convincing­ly win his reelection any of the current potential candidates­.
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Friday, April 22, 2011

James Franco Admitted To University Of Houston Ph.D. Program

If this guy's really that brilliant, then how did he bomb so bad at the Oscars? (intended as more of a compliment than anything)
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Friday, April 15, 2011

Walter Breuning, World's Oldest Man, Dies In Montana At 114

Without knowing him personally­, just from reading the principles with which he lived his life under, I'd say he was a great man. Rest In Peace.
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3D Porn Film: '3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy,' A World First, Opens In Hong Kong (VIDEO)

Wow, this movie's release made it onto the HuffPost. Go HK!
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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Global Military Spending Hits High But Growth Slows

I remember reading a New York Times featured article about Secretary Robert Gates and others including Colin Powell suggesting that cutting Pentagon spending could help with the deficit, I guess that hasn't happened yet. It's pretty sad, considerin­g nobody seriously thinks that will be attacked by any nation in a full-blown military conflict (which is what the U.S. army is geared for, as supposed to Terrorism)­.

Many Americans are still under the false impression that a large part of whether they are viewed favorably abroad hinges on the side of the military they have. That would be true, if they wanted to be viewed with disdain.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell Shocked To Agree With Glenn Beck Over Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Although I agree with O'Donnell, I think he could've made the same point with the same amount of gusto in half the time he took.
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Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Taylor Hicks & The Roots Perform Rebecca Black's 'Friday' (VIDEO)

Really dislike the original, but this is pretty awesome! It actually has build up (amazing, Colbert!) and has a catchy chorus that is not ruined by bad singing. It does help that they brought Taylor Hicks, the best entertaine­r from "American Idol", to join them.

They've turned such a terrible song into something on the same level as "I gotta feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas, both being meaningles­s catchy songs.
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Jon Stewart Mocks Obama's 2012 Re-election Campaign, Lack Of Transparency (VIDEO)

It shouldn't be a surprise that Obama has kept all of his campaign promises; no candidate can fulfill all of his campaign promises because, well, because those are campaign promises!
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Friday, April 1, 2011

Donald Trump Gets Fox News Segment: 'Monday Mornings With Trump' (VIDEO)

"A potential Presidenti­al candidate.­.." am I the only one who cringed upon reading this?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost