Why is it so hard to show up at a hearing and pay the money? Walsh is a congressman, can he not afford to cough up a small portion of what he makes to pay the child support? Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Is the only hope we have being Obama or Harry Reid or some Senator suddenly going crazy and declaring that they would prosecute people like Dick Cheney? Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Is 'Anonymity' the same as Privacy? If so, how does Privacy weigh against preventing cyber-bullying? Sounds like a contested issue that perhaps law-makers could discuss, rather than talking about the usual pointless topics. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
We'd be losing a very good and entertaining too soon if he runs. His acting career's far from over. Perhaps another 10-15 years, and he can run, with his friend George. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Yes, Mr. O'Reilly, because 'Islamic' terrorists call themselves Muslims because they're ALWAYS true, devoted Muslims... Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Can the American media PLEASE start reporting about the protests in Syria, like they (kind of) did for the protests in Iran and Egypt? This is a continuation of the anti-establishment movement in the Middle East. It's what a lot of American politicians (claim) they want. So start reporting and supporting the movements! Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
The DSK affairs is eerily resembling that of Tiger Woods. Next thing you know, five other women will come out claiming to have been sexually assaulted by Strauss-Kahn Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
And once again, Stewart brings the house down and O'Reilly is left with looking like a fool. O'Reilly might have a point about the Presidential couple picking Common, but at the end, there's nothing actually wrong with picking Common. He's a good poet, that's it.
But more to the point is Jon Stewart saying that no one really cares about the poetry slam in the White House, ordinary Americans have better things to do and stuff to worry about. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
It takes a lot of self-restraint and a very thorough control of one's emotions to not do what those who celebrated Bin Laden's death did. It often comes down to whether or not one is for or against killing a person (murder, during war, 'execution', etc) for any reason. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
It would totally blow my mind if it ends up a Barack Obama vs. Herman Cain Presidential election. I wonder the what the voter turnout would be, and how much Obama would win by. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Obama knew that success means that he could emerge the figure who will lead the world in combating terrorism, as well as how improve on how America is viewed from abroad (by other Western nations). Failure will see America condemned as a belligerent power with Obama as a reckless leader.
At the end, Obama chose this type of strategy because the rewards were very much worth the risk. It has been said before that past Presidents, particularly Bill Clinton (and possibly both Bushes), has had the opportunity to take down Bin Laden but never did. Obama knew that Bin Laden represented terrorism and is still feared by so many around the world (including Americans). This fueled his determination to take him down and made him take the risk he took. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
A sad day for Canadians and the world. If the majority of Canadian voters believe that Harper will make the country stronger, then it is a sign of troubling things to come.
Michael Ignatieff should of course bear a lot of the blame for the Liberal Party's embarrassing loss, but it really comes down to whether or not Canadian voters believe turning Canada into more like America. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
While Hamas might have been compelled to issue a statement like it did for please its base, perhaps they could've done so in a less blatant tone. While trying (at least on the surface) to present themselves as the leaders of a near-national entity, their words just made it that much harder for the international community to stomach and recognize them as legitimate. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
This year hasn't been a good one for natural disasters. It's not even May and we've already had major floods earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes all over the world. And hurricane season hasn't even arrived yet.
Funny, cuz Glee is a show on FOX. Also that Beck left out the homosexual angle that Glee has bee praised to establish. But the fact that Beck is calling the only musical show on prime time TV a horror show means.... *gasp* Beck hates musicals! Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Even though there seems to be some sort of precedent with regards to the relationship between gas price fluctuation and voting tendencies, I doubt that it will play a pivotal role on the minds of voters when they head to the voting booth next year. This is partly due to the fact that in the United States, voters get to vote for the person they like, and not necessarily for the party (as supposed to Canada, where the Prime Minister is the head of the winning party).
So ultimately, the race will still come down to whether voters prefer Obama or whichever Republican candidate he will face. And in that regards, I think Obama can convincingly win his reelection any of the current potential candidates. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
If this guy's really that brilliant, then how did he bomb so bad at the Oscars? (intended as more of a compliment than anything) Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Without knowing him personally, just from reading the principles with which he lived his life under, I'd say he was a great man. Rest In Peace. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I remember reading a New York Times featured article about Secretary Robert Gates and others including Colin Powell suggesting that cutting Pentagon spending could help with the deficit, I guess that hasn't happened yet. It's pretty sad, considering nobody seriously thinks that will be attacked by any nation in a full-blown military conflict (which is what the U.S. army is geared for, as supposed to Terrorism).
Many Americans are still under the false impression that a large part of whether they are viewed favorably abroad hinges on the side of the military they have. That would be true, if they wanted to be viewed with disdain. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Although I agree with O'Donnell, I think he could've made the same point with the same amount of gusto in half the time he took. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Really dislike the original, but this is pretty awesome! It actually has build up (amazing, Colbert!) and has a catchy chorus that is not ruined by bad singing. It does help that they brought Taylor Hicks, the best entertainer from "American Idol", to join them.
They've turned such a terrible song into something on the same level as "I gotta feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas, both being meaningless catchy songs. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
It shouldn't be a surprise that Obama has kept all of his campaign promises; no candidate can fulfill all of his campaign promises because, well, because those are campaign promises! Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Granted that they are saying the very slight elevation is nothing to worry about and it's still safe to drink the water, the thought I had when I saw the word "Massachusetts" was "really? Eastern United States being affected by radiation spreading from the West part of the Pacific? Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
As if not enough things is going on in the Middle East right now, someone has decided to reignite the Israeli-Palestinian conflict again. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I'd imagine it's pretty hard to make Nic Robertson angry, seeing has he was quite close to Baghdad (even right in the middle of it) when U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003. The guy has actually been to the places that he talks about; he's not just sitting in a newsroom somewhere in New York and reading reports from a monitor. If the people at Fox News can't respect people like Nic Robertson, they really are shooting themselves in the foot. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
I think the reason why Keith Olbermann's "Worst Persons In The World" segment was so popular was because it was funny and, more importantly quick. O'Donnell's "Rewrite" segment is like the more eloquent, essay-form, not-very-funny, version of "Worst Persons". Regular viewers of MSNBC all pretty much already have the impression that Glenn Beck is nuts, so it really isn't doing O'Donnell doing any good keep on hammering it home.
If O'Donnell really wants to school Beck, he really should pick apart everything that Beck stands for, his writings, and the motivations behind what he says, not just what he does, which often is just for show (and ratings). Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Yes, the 'supermoon' is cool and all and likely doesn't have any effect on Earth. But what if we happened to see the Dark Side of the Supermoon? Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Somebody get Mark Zuckerberg to donate a tenth of his 13.5 billion net worth... oh wait, the FCC and the Obama administration are already doing everything he prefers. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Franco and Hathaway tried their best; A for effort, anyway. But they're actors, not comedians / professional MCs, so we can't really expect to be blown away. I really enjoyed Jon Stewart's host a few years ago. I hope he returns.
It's kind of sad that the American TV viewer doesn't really care about what kind of a person Charlie Sheen is off the camera. The best way to shut him up is for the ratings of "Two and a Half Men" to tank, but that hasn't exactly happened yet. Read the Article at HuffingtonPost