How can we be mad at you when you don't even tell us specifically what you've done?
Tiger has taken the middle road, in the sense that he's told only parts of his story but not all of it. His reason for doing so is that those a 'private' matters. However, it seems that without being overly specific, Tiger has made clear about his infidelity, and has shown genuine remorse for it.
Alright, well I know as a golf fan I have forgiven you. You will be back to and more popular than ever, Tiger. Just look at Bill Clinton!
Tiger also provides another example of my skepticism of marriage. If he was being sincere when he said that he loved Elin with all his heart when he married her, what prompted him to cheat? Most would discuss this in relation to him being Tiger Woods, a man of immense popularity and influence. His infidelity can be compared to the likes of John Edwards, Marc Sanford, and Eliot Spitzer, all of whom believed they could get away with cheating likely because they held positions of power.
But why cheat? And why are there such high divorce rates? Are human beings NOT genetically programmed to spend the rest of their lives with one companion, or maybe only a portion of us do?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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