Can one attribute intolerance to human nature? If so, then the question becomes whether or not human nature is inherently so-and-so, or if our characteristics are constituted throughout our lives (nurture over nature).
I tend to believe in the latter, that human nature isn't inherently good or evil, that it is composed by various processes of socialization, often in the form of education.
Based on this view, I'd say that intolerance (as well as other arguably negative notions such as apathy) can be changed with a change in socialization and education. This comes from two major influences: parenting and schooling.
Everything that parents says in front of their kids have enormous impacts, whether if it's the tone of voice they use to reject something the child proposes, or flat out ignoring the kid's remarks. Parents often treat their children with an air of disrespect, often disregarding their comments without reason.
Not to mention intolerance is something that also spawns ignorance, arrogance, and obnoxiousness.
These notions all contribute to a generation of intolerance; when children are constantly bombarded by intolerant rhetoric, whether at home, at school, or on TV, they naturally become intolerant.
It is not impossible to change the intolerant character of our generation, but it will take time and a lot of effort.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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