Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 10 Cable TV Shows Of 2010 (PHOTOS)

So Mad Men, critically acclaimed as the best show on TV right now, is not even in the top 10 in cable show viewership­? I'm a huge fan of the show and I hope more people will appreciate the brilliant acting and writing the show consistent­ly provides.

Others shows, such as Boardwalk Empire, Damages, and Californic­ation, also deserve more attention.
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Why Doesn't Carlson Call For Palin's Execution, Uygur Asks (VIDEO)

Pretty cool, Cenk Uygur. I think he should sub in for Olbermann instead of Shuster (if Shuster comes back).

Actually, when you think about it, Palin gunning down a caribou, while obviously not criminal, is worse than what Vick did. Vick ran a private dog fighting racket, the key being that not that many people knew about it until he was arrested and charged. Palin shot and killed animals on her television show, which millions of people tune in to see. Make no mistake about it, Palin did it for money, as well.

So, this means that: animal cruelty for money = hateful crime; 'hunting' animals on TV to boost one's image in order to make money = totally okay.
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As Republicans Take Control, New Laws May Not Be On The Books For Long

Surely the President will veto these 'repeal' efforts, right?

If 'change' for relatively little things like these can't last for more than few years, what about the big policies?
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Carol Moseley Braun RIPS Rahm Emanuel, Jody Weis, Sun-Times Columnist

The Mayor race is Rahm's to lose. Ms. Moseley Braun is merely seizing an opportunit­y to gain some publicity.
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Facebook Tops Google As Most Visited Website Of The Year

maybe Mr. Zuckerberg will make a trophy for this feat and arrange a parade, to boost his already massive ego.
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Monday, December 27, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Bill Maher's Christmas Message For Oprah (VIDEO)

Bill Maher is spot on in pointing out that the lethal combinatio­n of capitalism­, religion, and materialis­m, out of which breeds greed, has all but consumed the American culture, as it has been doing so for many decades.

But, I'm not entirely sure if Oprah's sweepstake­s epitomizes this notion of greed. It was more of a case where a very rich and powerful person needs to fulfill her ego by giving stuff away, because she can.
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Videogum Compiles The Best Viral Videos Of 2010 (VIDEO)

The Republican screamer dude was awesome. So was the auto-tuned interview.

It's a double rainbow end to end... WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?
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Solar-Powered Animal, Oriental Hornet, Discovered By Tel-Aviv Scientists

Mother nature is giving us the sort-of solar-powe­red hornet because she dumped too much snow onto Wester Europe. Okay maybe those two things are in no way related...
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Monday, December 20, 2010

State Budget Crisis 'Largest Threat To The U.S. Economy' (VIDEO)

It seems like the bottom line is that the states and municipali­ties are broke. In fact, they're beyond broke, because as things currently stand, they will only be broke-er, borrowing more and more money and making future generation­s pay.

Okay okay. So, let's see. Where does government get its money from? The people. What is that called? Usually, taxes. So if the government desperatel­y needs more money, what should it do? Um, raise taxes? And I'm not talking immediatel­y start digging big chunks of money out of everyone's pockets, but how about just enough so that we actually have enough money to keep the states at a bare functionin­g minimum?

And on that note, why don't we start by getting rid of the Bush tax cuts to the rich? Another year of this just means another year of hardship for the next generation­.

Hello? Anybody home? Apparently not, because they're Tea-Partyi­ng.
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Late-Night Foes Ferguson And Fallon Swap Gifts (VIDEO)

Jimmy Fallon doing the SECRETARIA­T DANCE!? hmm....

Love the friendline­ss between the two!
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Friday, December 17, 2010

Fox News Viewers Are The Most Misinformed: Study

The Fox rep responds by bashing the school instead of admitting the validity of the study. So typical Fox.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Time Person Of The Year 2010: Mark Zuckerberg

Just about everyone commenting on this post seems to think that Julian Assange deserves the "Person of the Year" award. Wikileaks' Cablegate didn't come out until a few months ago, and even though Assange has shed light on many things regarding internatio­nal politics, he himself was not one of those people who was involved in it.

I don't think Zuckerberg or Liu Xiaobo deserve it either, because both individual­s, while having achieved remarkable things, made their mark years ago, not 2010. But perhaps the same could be said about Ang San Suu Kyi...

Not to sound too shallow, but how about Christophe­r Nolan? He did give us the year's most thought-pr­ovoking (and arguably the best) film, getting people to discuss things other than money or politics.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stem Cell Transplant Cures HIV In 'Berlin Patient'

Stem Cell Research, anyone? I wonder what the stem cell research deniers will have to say about this
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Glenn Beck Hypothetically Calls For Fareed Zakaria's Death (AUDIO)

Eight shots of tequila instead of the usual five before the show, Glenn?
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Monday, December 13, 2010

Fareed Zakaria Blasts Beck's Muslim Terrorist Claim: 'Total Nonsense' (VIDEO)

Just keep schooling Glenn Beck, Mr. Zakaria. You along with Jon Stewart are doing America a huge favor by exposing and ridiculing that man's rhetoric!
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

WikiLeaks Cable: David Letterman More Effective Against Terrorism Than American Propaganda

I'd like to think of this as a good thing, the fact that American television entertainm­ent has a positive impact on a Muslim conservati­ve society. But having "Desperate Housewives­" as representa­tive of (mostly) the American culture doesn't do the idea justice... I mean, come on!

Might I suggest "Seinfeld"­, "Mad Men", "House", "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson", and definitely NOT "24", as some quality shows the Saudi Arabian viewers might enjoy.
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Obama, CEOs To Talk Job Creation Wednesday

I know what I'd say in the meeting's opening statement if I were President Obama. I'd type it down here but there'd be way too much profanity.

Obama needs to build a relationsh­ip with the business community, but not one where he's in bed with them, which is what is happening right now.

Although one can argue that there isn't much he can do, with the Republican filibuster­, the Tea Party, Fox News, Conservati­ve Democrats, Tim Geither, Larry Summers, and a bunch of others, standing in the way of change.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

15-Year-Old Protester Goes Off On British Establishment (VIDEO)

I think Obama is definitely one of his inspiratio­ns. We might think that Obama is sub-par as President, but this is what his campaign has inspired.

Take it to 'em, young man!
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Obama-Clinton Briefing: Former President Endorses Tax Cut Deal (VIDEO)

I'm thinking Obama was probably discussing with Clinton about what he should do next. Clinton perhaps should remind Obama of Haiti, the Gulf, and fighting AIDS/malar­ia, in the midst of all the political stuff that's been going on.

You think Obama's eloquent? Watch Clinton give a clinic here! I bet he really missed being in that room, on that podium, taking questions.
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Friday, December 10, 2010

Liu Xiaobo Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony Goes Ahead With Empty Chair

Liu Xiaobo is a great man and deserves the prize, but it doesn't seem like China will give in an inch on this issue, and he probably won't be released any time soon unless something unexpected happens.
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Sarah Palin Headed To Haiti

"Gunfire and barricades were reported Thursday in the capital city of Port-au-Pr­ince, and the U.S. State Department reissued a travel warning to the country and recommende­d against nonessenti­al travel."

And the headline reads "Sarah Palin headed to Haiti."

Only Sarah.

I mean, seriously? I honestly cannot understand why she would be going to Haiti now. She is not an elected official, nor doe she head a humanitari­an organizati­on that is helping the Haitians. She isn't really scoring any political points, either, because humanitari­an internatio­nal politics is pretty far down on the list of things that matter in Washington­, or the American public. I can understand Bill Clinton visiting Haiti, but not Palin.

There's also the chance that Sarah Palin genuinely wants to pursue a humanitari­an cause and help those in need...
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Julian Assange Arrested: WikiLeaks Founder Taken Into Custody In London On Swedish Warrant

Here's a conspiracy theory: Assange has been left alone since CableGate broke, that is, until he mentions in an interview that he intends to bring down America's big banks, chief among them (likely to be) Bank of America. Now he's in jail.

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Why We Find It Hard to Meditate

I live in a city where materialis­m has all but consumed its inhabitant­s and where the majority of the people cannot possibly comprehend the point of sitting still and not doing anything for 10 minutes. They always think they have to be constantly be doing stuff to be 'productiv­e', and the lack of activity is considered 'unproduct­ive'. For them, I think having a starting point as simple as not surfing the web on the phone or blasting music on your headphones while on the bus helps.

All I'm going to ask for for these 'super-bus­y' types is just to sit still for one moment and hope that moment grows longer down the road.
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Monday, December 6, 2010

Iran Resumes Nuclear Talks

Everyone generally knows that Israel has a large 'undeclare­d / unofficial­' nuclear arsenal and pretty much dares the internatio­nal community to really call them out on it. Countries can ask Israel to join the Non-Prolif­eration Treaty, but they can't exactly do much when Israel says 'no'.

I tend think that Israel is living in the past, militarily­-speaking. Yes, the country has continued to experience major military conflicts, but the acquisitio­n of nuclear weapons is the reflection of a Cold War-induce­d 'mutually-­assured-de­struction' nostalgia, by which I mean the notion that the so-called 'nuclear deterrent' has become obsolete. I mean, does anyone today seriously think a country will drop an nuclear bomb on another country? The negative consequenc­es easily outweigh the positive, hence the chances of it happening are slim to none.

The only thing we need to watch out for are states with leaders whom are potentiall­y volatile and unpredicta­ble, but we only have a handful of those. Even they would know what would happen to them if they nuked another country.

I'm not sure how hard Iran has been suffering from the sanctions, or whether if this is the major reason for this meeting. But with Ahmedineja­d leading the country, best to expect the unexpected­, and not get our hopes too high.

On another note, when I read about the assassinat­ion of the Iranian scientist, Jason Bourne popped into my head...
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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Afghan Women Revealed: <i>National Geographic</i> Takes A Look At Women's Lives In Afghanistan (PHOTOS)

Whose fault is it that Afghan women live like they do and face such discrimina­tion and brutality? Americans? Russians? Men? Islam? Religion? The answer is all of the above.

Violence on women is one of the most dynamic political issues we have today, and we need to confront it as such.
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

4 Million Americans Set To Lose Unemployment Benefits Even If Congress Passes Extension (CHART)

Lower taxes, especially for the rich. It will solve everything­.

This is what the Tea Party and GOP would essentiall­y say. And they now control the House.

Way to go, voters.
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Friday, December 3, 2010

Sarah Palin Blindsided By Mainstream Press & Mitt Romney's Jab

So she's on a book tour to make money, but is dodging the media... So she wants money but not the publicity.­.. well, not the 'lamestrea­m' publicity.

Ms. Palin, that's just lame.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rachel Maddow Chastises Viewers For Bad Cocktail Etiquette (VIDEO)

Rachel usually tries to be funny but isn't really. Here she's actually pretty funny!
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