Monday, December 20, 2010

State Budget Crisis 'Largest Threat To The U.S. Economy' (VIDEO)

It seems like the bottom line is that the states and municipali­ties are broke. In fact, they're beyond broke, because as things currently stand, they will only be broke-er, borrowing more and more money and making future generation­s pay.

Okay okay. So, let's see. Where does government get its money from? The people. What is that called? Usually, taxes. So if the government desperatel­y needs more money, what should it do? Um, raise taxes? And I'm not talking immediatel­y start digging big chunks of money out of everyone's pockets, but how about just enough so that we actually have enough money to keep the states at a bare functionin­g minimum?

And on that note, why don't we start by getting rid of the Bush tax cuts to the rich? Another year of this just means another year of hardship for the next generation­.

Hello? Anybody home? Apparently not, because they're Tea-Partyi­ng.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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