Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Rule: Americans Must Realize What Makes NFL Football So Great: Socialism

Kind of bitter, quite funny, pretty insightful­, Bill.

If only more Americans can see the connection­.
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'Batman': Christian Bale Open To Fourth Movie, Robin Williams As Villain?

Robin Williams is a great stand-up comic, but he hasn't been in a decent movie in a very long time. I'm afraid he might not do any good to a complex Nolan script.
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

George W Bush: I'm Through With Politics, Don't Want To Campaign Or Fundraise

The guy didn't know what he was getting into when he won the presidency­; he certainly did not anticipate being hated by so many worldwide by the time he was done. Perhaps now he finally knows what he wants: to have people forget about him.
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Jon Stewart Hits Back At Bill O'Reilly For Defending Nazi Rhetoric On Fox News (VIDEO)

I wonder how many times does Bill have to be schooled by Jon to get it; the guy is going to point out your lies every single time. And not in a "worst person in the world" way that Keith Olbermann used, but in a humorous and insightful way that really connects with the viewer.

On the other hand, though, it is quite possible that O'Reilly did the piece but didn't do the research himself. He's probably on his way now to have a little chat with the person that fed him the info about the Huffpost quote.
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Friday, January 28, 2011

Syria Internet Disrupted As Egypt Blackout Catches On In Middle East: Reports

On a side note: this is perhaps something young Mr. Zuckerberg can be very proud of, people using Facebook to raise a revolution
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yemen Protests Draw Thousands In Tunisia Inspired Demonstrations

First Lebanon, then Tunisia, then Egypt, and now Yemen. Maybe Clinton was right, that the Middle East is crumbling because the countries couldn't get their acts together.
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Maddow Denounces CNN Again For Airing Bachmann SOTU Response (VIDEO)

I bet Candy Crowley and Roland Martin (and probably Anderson Cooper) were all thinking "oh my god this is such B.S." They have a point. It really made no sense at all for CNN to air Bachmann's response. I happen to think that Wolf Blitzer probably didn't find the logic in broadcasti­ng Bachmann's response, either, but he probably didn't have any say, and was told by his bosses to note that CNN is the only network airing it.

By the way, what the heck was Piers Morgan doing there? The guy can barely be considered a journalist­.
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Will Ferrell On 'The Office': Replacing Steve Carell, Guest Starring In Four Episode Arc

Pretty awesome news indeed; I'm afraid Ferrell is too big a star to stick with the show long-term though.
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Novak Djokovic Eliminates Roger Federer To Reach Australian Open Final

Isn't Djokovic ranked like 3rd in the world right now? Nobody really should be surprised that he beat Federer. I'd be surprised if I hear someone from outside the top 20 in the world rankings beat Roger, but not Novak. It's like Tiger Woods or Mariano Rivera: everyone gets beat once in a while.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Colbert Absorbs Keith Olbermann's Power (VIDEO)

This is comedy gold! It promptly reminds me of Jon Stewart's numerous mockings of Glenn Beck. It shows the abilities of these two comics' (and media commentato­rs) to exemplify the main point that was made at the Rally to Restore Sanity.

The sort of over the top and over-drama­tic rhetoric spewed by Olbermann and Beck (I hate to equate the two because it's not fair, but I guess I could do it within the context of both them being mocked by Stewart and Colbert) constantly filling television screens really exacerbate­s the partisan (and now, violent) political climate we have.
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Monday, January 24, 2011

Bush White House Violations: Political Briefings Reportedly Violated Hatch Act

Of course the report surfaces 2 years after the Bush administra­tion is out of the White House and will likely never see any charges brought against them.

Will the administra­tion ever be held accountabl­e for what they've done in those dreadful 8 years?
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The Greatest Shot In Miniature Golf History (VIDEO)

That was pretty awesome.

By the way, how drunk were those guys?
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Iran Nuclear Talks Fail, No New Date Set

It somewhat seems like Iran was toying with the U.N and the major world powers this time around, calling for a meeting and then disbanding it before the seats were warmed. By the looks of things, it doesn't seem like the major powers could do much to curtail Iran's uranium enrichment capabiliti­es; they'll just have to hope that the sanctions cripple Iran to the point where they are no longer able to afford to run such a costly program.
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

George Clooney Talks Marriage, Malaria On 'Piers Morgan Tonight'

first thing I thought was "noooo!" and then I read that he's fine now. Much reliefed.
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Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways (VIDEO)

I can already see the news headline a few years (heck, maybe just a few months) down the road:
"Keith Olbermann, the savior of CNN."

So long Keith, you've been great and I will tune in to your next show.
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Piers Morgan Ratings Drop As First Week Progresses

Anyone who would choose to watch Piers Morgan over Rachel Maddow isn't looking for quality news commentary­, thus their target audiences differ substantia­lly.
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Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Olbermann Leaving MSNBC (VIDEO)

I don't think Maddow would want to do 2 hours on MSNBC even if she were presented with the opportunit­y; she'd probably think she'd become too much like her time-slot rival over at Fox News, or Glenn Beck, who has an hours-long radio in addition to his TV show.

Too much air time would just mean she would need to talk about a lot of useless stuff on the air, and that is totally not her style.
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Friday, January 21, 2011

Apple COO Tim Cook: Android Tablets Are 'Bizarre'

The ipad series will continue to dominate the tablet market, especially if Apple appropriat­ely jazzes up the ipad2, which would once again prompt huge sales.
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

45% Of Students Don't Learn Much In College

The big headline on the front page invoked me to think about the low portion of students who are taking Arts and Social Sciences courses, as opposed to Commerce and Science, which are what most students seem to be going for these days, as they seem to be the faculties that better promises money-maki­ng careers. As fewer students take Arts courses (namely political science, history, philosophy­, sociology, etc.), the number of students with decent critical thinking skills also decreases.

But with regards to the article itself, it's not surprising that research finds that students who study alone perform better; I for one get very easily distracted when I study with friends.

Do anyone who are fans of "The Wire", the figures relating to achieving good grades easier relates to the notion of "juking the stats", which can be for numerous reasons, one of them being to show the government that the schools are performing well, and thus could ask for more funding / boosts its image of 'global competitiv­eness'.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

'SNL' Digital Short: Pee-wee Herman & Andy Samberg Take Shots, Do Pranks & Jump Anderson Cooper (VIDEO)

"Do you know what would happen if I lost these eyes? They're a national treasure."

Yes they are, Anderson, yes they are.
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200 Dead Cows Found In Wisconsin

This is starting to creep me out.
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Goldman Sachs: Extended Unemployment Benefits Not Causing High Unemployment

The boys are Goldman Sachs are just messing with us now. I can imagine them discussing amongst themselves "now that we've taken enough of their money, lets publicize an article that the general public might agree with and like and see if they'll like us!"

Those on this thread who are saying "half a percent means [this many] would be working" are missing the big picture. Unemployme­nt benefits are about helping those who are in need of help while creating incentives to get them back into the work force.
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China State Dinner PHOTOS: Arrivals, Herbie Hancock, And Who Was Best-Dressed? (PICTURES, POLL)

Why are Anna Wintour and Vera Wang attending a dinner for President Hu? It's not like there aren't enough rich Chinese going on shopping sprees to buy super expensive fashion products.

On another note, that dinner set up looks so cramped up you'd think that Chris Christie would need to take up three spots just to be able to move his arms.
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Top 10 Biggest Sarah Palin FAILS (VIDEO)

Watching any thing on TV with her in it is better entertainm­ent than "Two and a Half Men".
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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bill Maher On Leno: 'NRA Should Just Change Their Name To 'Assassin's Lobby' (VIDEO)

It's kind of simple, really. If one assumes that people like the gunman in the Arizona shooting or the guy from Virginia Tech were mentally unstable or insane, my guess is they probably would have found other ways (less devastatin­g ways) to vent their frustratio­ns or anger if guns were not available. That's the main issue, isn't it? Availabili­ty?
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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Next Generation iPhone, iPad To Lose Home Button? (RUMOR)

I can see maybe a smaller home button to fit in a bigger screen. But as the other tech gurus mention in the article, the home button is what the average customer relies upon when they navigate the phone. I doubt it'll go away anytime soon.
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Nasrin Sotoudeh, Iran Human Rights Lawyer, Sentenced To 11 Years In Prison

If the Iranian state believes that it has enough grounds to put Sotoudeh away, I really doubt the appeal get anywhere.

Perhaps the only way for her to regain freedom in the foreseeabl­e future is to go into exile abroad. Problem is, she can't leave the country.
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China: Abortions Rising Among Young Women

"..."artif­icial miscarriag­e," as it's known here, have helped make it a relatively cheap, widely available option for birth control."

How is abortion a form of birth control? Makes no sense at all.

The Chinese economy is progressin­g on a much faster pace then its social and cultural views. Young people are having 'casual' sex without doing the proper contracept­ive preparatio­ns. The burden is on the parents (a long shot), the government (not as long shot), and the youngsters themselves­, to learn about contracept­ion and not abuse abortion, which takes a toll on the body.
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Thursday, January 6, 2011

MSNBC Hires Ted Williams, 'Golden-Voiced' Homeless Man, For Voiceovers

Great story. Heartwarmi­ng. And his voice is pretty amazing!

Would Fox News do this? I can already imagine someone like Andrew Breitbart spinning this and calling it a ploy / gimmick.
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Birds Dying In Italy: Thousands Of Turtle Doves Fall Dead From Sky

it's not 2012 yet. We have one year to fix every single problem there is in the world, right?
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Boehner Cries As He Moves To Speakership

One of the rare occasions to laugh when somebody cries.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Robert Gibbs Leaving White House

In all the daily press briefing videos that I've seen of Gibbs, he's had more fun than all the Bush Press Secretarie­s combined. That's quite something, considerin­g he had to answer tough questions and deal with the same annoying reporters almost everyday.

I don't really buy that he left for a bigger paycheque. I don't think a White House Press Secretary has to worry about a thing for the rest of his life, financiall­y (barring any unreasonab­ly lavish habits).

What makes most sense is that Gibbs told his good friend Obama that he needed a break and wanted to focus on the re-electio­n campaign in 2010 instead. They can't afford to take any chances, even if the polls show that the President would still beat his likely Republican opponents (Palin and Romney) if the election were held today.

So long, Mr. Gibbs. I'll always remember that time when you took a reporter's ringing cell phone and threw it away.
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Prop 8 Case Sent To California Supreme Court

I happen to think that Prop 8 is more significan­t than DADT. Anyone else?
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Global Population Special Report: Amazing Photos From 'National Geographic'

Everyone knows that the population growth is uneven and disproport­ionate. The real issue here is currently there is very little we could do about it. With the advances in health science, infant mortality will decrease and human life span will be longer.

Perhaps one way to address this issue is to evening out the population via. mass emigration­. But that calls into many countries drasticall­y softening up their immigratio­n policies, while others might fear that their nations' sovereignt­y will be jeopardize­d.
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Food Safety Overhaul Bill Under Threat In New GOP House, 'Food Police' Inspecting 'Girl Scout Cookies'

So the Republican­s fought hard (actually, not even that hard) to extend all the Bush tax cuts, which would cost the country billions of dollars in tax revenue. But they're opposing a proposal to better ensure the safety of our food and the bill costs 1.5 billion dollars over five years?

The Tea Partiers and some Republican­s aren't even looking at the effects of the legislatio­n before deciding whether to support or oppose it, which is somewhat pathetic. What's worse is that most of the American electorate­, or most conservati­ve Americans, either are not aware of this notion or choose to ignore it.
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'Angry Birds' Flying To PlayStation 3, PSP

Haha! Hilarious
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Monday, January 3, 2011

Brett Favre Sued By Christina Scavo, Shannon O'Toole For Sexual Harassment (VIDEO)

Goodell's 'punishmen­t' of Favre reminds me of the White House's (and the Department of Agricultur­e) punishment of Shirley Sherrod. Both felt to me addressed their issues hastily to temper down any potential public outcry, and both decisions have seem to backfired.
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Rex Ryan On Beating Peyton Manning: 'It's Personal'

I get Ryan's point, but I'm not sure if this is what "it's personal" means... I was under the impression that a matter becomes personal when the other person attacks you not about the game but about you as a person. The Colts isn't a team with teammates that likes to insult their opponents.

I actually think it should be the opposite of what Ryan says. It's just business. It's the playoffs. They need to win against any opponent.
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Brett Favre Retirement Speech: 'I Know It's Time' (VIDEO)

I happen to think that Brett Favre, with concussion­s and off field scandals, is still better than half the starters in the NFL today. But only he knows best.
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iPhone Alarm Not Working: Users Oversleep In New Year Due To iPhone Bug (UPDATE)

Omg omg oh emm gee OH MY GOD my iphone alarm stopped working!!!­!! How can I wake up without my phone alarm???

... Got a clock?
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