Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Robert Gibbs Leaving White House

In all the daily press briefing videos that I've seen of Gibbs, he's had more fun than all the Bush Press Secretarie­s combined. That's quite something, considerin­g he had to answer tough questions and deal with the same annoying reporters almost everyday.

I don't really buy that he left for a bigger paycheque. I don't think a White House Press Secretary has to worry about a thing for the rest of his life, financiall­y (barring any unreasonab­ly lavish habits).

What makes most sense is that Gibbs told his good friend Obama that he needed a break and wanted to focus on the re-electio­n campaign in 2010 instead. They can't afford to take any chances, even if the polls show that the President would still beat his likely Republican opponents (Palin and Romney) if the election were held today.

So long, Mr. Gibbs. I'll always remember that time when you took a reporter's ringing cell phone and threw it away.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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